Dear Parents,
I am writing this in hopes of clarifying this year’s Science homework. You will notice at the beginning of each unit in your child's Google Science Classroom, I will assign a Study Guide, Slides, and periodically Crash Course notes for the unit. The study guide is an outline of the key concepts your child should learn. The slides consist of informational text, support videos, practice work, and review questions that are to be completed in class. It is not my expectation that students complete slides at home. Please don’t feel that your child has to study all of the slides. They are to be used as a support tool. Finally, the Crash Course notes will be a copy of the notes we take in class.
Your child’s homework will be to create a study guide for the current unit. The study guides will be due the day of the Test. Spending 10 to 15 minutes each night adding new information or reviewing existing information from their study guide should make the night before a test a lot easier. You may use the study guide in Google Classroom as a model, as well as, the information from their slides and notes; however, the study guide should be created by the student.
I am also including a homework link that will help you keep track of the information I intend to cover in class for the week.
I hope this helps. If you have any additional concerns regarding science please contact me at [email protected]
Thank you,
Ms Carvajal
Click here for homework