Literacy Support at Forest Elementary
[email protected]
As a Reading Specialist at FES, I provide literacy support for students who demonstrate a need for supplemental instruction in reading and writing. The support I provide is in addition to their regular classroom lessons.
Students are identified for literacy support based on their performance on an assessment tool called PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening). All students in grades K-5 are tested three times per year to monitor literacy growth. PALS data is helpful in identifying students' strengths and weaknesses and enables school staff to provide targeted, instructional interventions as early as possible to increase our students' success in all academic areas.
I have a part-time schedule at FES, meeting with individuals and small groups on Mondays through Thursdays. Days and times will vary depending on grade level and student needs.
I also work closely with classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, and parents to facilitate students' literacy growth. I believe that by working together, we can strengthen our students' reading and writing skills, which are key to future academic success.