Mrs. Sharon Danaher

Welcome to Mrs. Danaher's 3rd Grade Class!


Feel free to contact me at: 
(434) 525-2681
or you can email me at:
[email protected]

Parent Portal:

Pull out schedule:
PE- Wed 8:15-9:00 & Fri 9:00-9:45
Music- Mon & Thurs 8:45-9:15
Art- Tues 8:30-9:15
Library-Mon 9:15-10:00

***Please wear tennis shoes EVERY day!***

Grading Scale:
A = 90-100 - Excellent
B = 80-89 – Above Average
C = 70-79 - Average
D = 60-69 – Needs Improvement
F = 59 and below - Unsatisfactory